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Keno Terms and Conditions

1. Acceptance and Validation of Wagering

  1. Player's Account

    Player must place wager from his/her own account(s). All wagering will be voided if upon review Player has not successfully deposited funds or transferred funds into his/her own account(s).

  2. Confirmed Wager(s)

    Wager(s) that has been placed by Player(s) and has been confirmed by cannot be cancelled. Wager(s) is cancelled if it is declared void or due to incorrect settlement or incorrect result as outlined in Terms & Conditions.

  3. Accurate Wagering Records

    Despite every effort to ensure total accuracy, does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in respect of information provided on the Website.

  4. Deduction of Wager(s) / Unresolved Wager(s)

    Wager(s) will be deducted from Player's account when Player(s) placed his/her bet(s). has the right to not refund bet(s) placed by player(s) for future draw(s) or draw(s) that has not been resolved. Such bet(s) will be resolved upon completion of the game and the winnings is determined, if applicable (Player(s) win), the winnings will credited to Player's account at the same time.

  5. Crediting Winnings

    Winnings will be added to Player's respective account, as appropriate, automatically. However, Player's winning will be cancelled if upon review there is evidence of fraud or malpractice. has the right to deducted /debited Player's account balance should the winnings has been credited into Player's account.

  6.'s Wagering Decision is Final

    Player agreed and accepted that has the final authority in determine terms and conditions of wagering regardless of circumstances in which decisions are based on.

  7. Player's Sole Responsibility on Winnings

    Player accepts sole responsibility for any applicable taxes and/or fees from winning(s) that has been awarded to player or any other form of has the right to report or withhold any information on the player's amount of winnings in order to comply with any applicable law.

2. Stakes Wagered

  1. Minimum Stakes

    A minimum stake depends on each of game types and/or betting types.

  2. Bet Result Evidence database records serve as the only valid evidence should there is discrepancy on the numbers that Player(s) played or the graphic displayed for the game that Player entered.

  3. Automatic Game Playing / Manipulation of Software / Tampering / Cheating

    Automatic playing of games by software or any other form of game manipulation from Player's own account or other Player's account data are strictly prohibited and may result in termination of Player's membership, deletion of all associated accounts, the cancellation and/or confiscation of any outstanding prizes and deposits and/or civil/criminal prosecution.

    In addition to the above, Player(s) agreed that has complete and unfettered discretion to terminate Player's account(s) for any reason whatsoever and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, should it be of the opinion that Player(s) participation in the Website, or any games offered therein, is detrimental to the principles under which it operates the Website. Player(s) hereby waive any and all recourse against for such termination.

    Player(s) acknowledge that full freedom from errors or incompleteness is impossible to achieve with respect to computer software. Should Player(s) become aware that the software contains such error or incompleteness, Player(s) undertake to refrain from taking any advantage whatsoever thereof. Moreover, promptly upon becoming aware of such error or incompleteness Player(s) shall notify in writing.

    Should Player(s) fail to fulfill Player(s) undertakings under this clause, shall be entitled to full compensation for all costs, including costs for rectifying the software that may arise out of Player's omissions or actions in taking advantage of such errors or incompleteness.

    Player(s) agree that is not responsible for any damage, loss, or injury resulting from tampering, or other unauthorized access or use of the Website or Player's account. Any attempt by Player to gain unauthorized access to the Website's systems or any account, interfere with procedures or performance of the Website or games, or deliberately damage or undermine the Website or Games is subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution and will result in immediate termination of Player's account and forfeiture of any and all prizes to which Player(s) may have been otherwise entitled to.

  4. Events Beyond's Control

    Wherever possible, endeavours to ensure the full protection of all its players and their bets. However, there are certain events that are beyond's control. Should you become disconnected from the Website (for whatever reason), act of Gods, cannot be held liable for any losses that may result there from. Should a Player be disconnected after placing a wager and before the game is played, the results of that game will still be displayed on the Players account and any winnings or losses recorded accordingly.

  5. Wager Result Acceptance

    By placing any further Bets with, the Player accepts the results of any previous Bet. As such, the results of the previous wager are hereby deemed no longer in dispute and no refunds or other adjustments will be granted.

  6. Software Malfunction reserves the right to withhold winnings and void wagers if a player manipulates the games in a fraudulent manner or the software itself malfunctions.

  7. Account Disputes

    Where there is any dispute concerning a player's account, reserves the right to suspend player's account until a resolution is reached. Any disputes must be lodged in writing stating the date, time and details of dispute and sent via email to [email protected]. takes member disputes very seriously and endeavors to take all reasonable steps to investigate and resolve all disputes.

  8. Maximum Odds retains the right to decide on house rules and Terms and Conditions applied.

3. Amendments

We reserve the right to change these Terms & Conditions at any time. Such changes shall have effect immediately upon publication on this site and you agree to be bound by them and to regularly review these terms for the purposes of monitoring such changes. We recommend that Players print out a copy of these Terms & Conditions.