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1. General Betting Rules and Regulations

  1. General
    1. All Betting Information supplied by the Company is done so in good faith. However the Company cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions in respect to dates, times, venues, competitors, odds, results, statistics, jersey (displayed at Live Streaming) or other Betting Information. The Company reserves the right to correct any obvious errors and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that Markets, which are defined as different Bet Types offered on a certain sporting event, are administered with integrity and transparency. Company reserve the right to make the final decision.
    2. If an Event, which is defined as organized sports match or event between two teams or between individuals, begins before the scheduled time then only bets placed before the start of the Event (excluding specified live betting) will be considered valid. If a Market is not closed or suspended at the correct time then the Company reserves the right to void all bets placed after the actual start time (excluding specified live betting).
    3. In the event of any inconsistency between the translation of different languages used for the events or teams on the Website, company reserves the right to make the final decision
    4. At all times, it is the customer's responsibility to be aware about the match score and all relevant match information and it is advised that the customer verify match status before placing a bet.
    5. The Company reserves the right to amend these Rules at any time for any reason(s). Any such revision will be binding and effective immediately upon posting in the Website.
    6. The customer acknowledges that the current score, time elapsed and other data provided on the site, while coming from a "live" feed provided by a third party is subject to a time delay and/or may be inaccurate, and that any bet placed based on this data is entirely at the customer's own risk. The Company provides this data as-is with no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such data and accepts no responsibility for any loss (direct or indirect) suffered by the customer as a result of his reliance on it.
    7. The Company, in its sole and absolute discretion, reserves the right to cancel or declare a bet void or suspend a customer without prior notification, under any of the following circumstances:
      1. The bet details are incomplete or erroneous;
      2. The bet placed is in excess of the limits allowed by the rules;
      3. The bet has been placed in contravention of the rules;
      4. Human errors in typing or transmission resulting to the use of an incorrect gaming data or odds;
      5. If and when there appears to be an abnormal or irregular use of the gaming platform or there appears to have an excessively high number of losses or winnings.
      6. Member with negative balance
    8. The Company reserves the right to suspend a game or specific product to correct any obvious errors, maintain integrity and fairness of the said game.
    9. Once a bet is confirmed by the Company, the bet can no longer be amended or cancelled by the customer.
    10. If a customer has any doubt or suspects that something is wrong in the system, the customer is advised to stop playing and coordinate with the Company’s customer support department. If the customer continues to play, he accepts responsibility for the outcome of his bets and the Company has the sole discretion whether or not to address the issue.
    11. Where a live match or game begins and bets were made while the event is in running and if for any reason the stream is disconnected, regardless of the cause of such disconnection, or the stream freezes or crashes, any and all bets taken will still stand and be settled when the event has been completed and when the result is known. This general rule shall not apply in cases where a game or a product has a specific rule on disconnection in which case, the specific rule shall apply and the result based on the specific rule shall be binding upon the customer.
    12. The Company reserves the right to suspend and/or close a customer's account at any time if it is believed that the customer violated any of the applicable rules and regulations or cheated, hacked, attacked, manipulated or damaged the normal betting procedure or if the customer is engaged in money laundering or other illegal activities or is below the legal age required to engage in gambling in his jurisdiction or actual location. Once the account of the customer is closed for the said reason, all winnings and/or payout including the balance in the customer’s account shall be forfeited.
    13. The Company reserves the right to set maximum amount of pay-outs for its existing products and products to be offered.
    14. The Company reserves the right to withhold payment if it has evidence that the prices or the pool has been manipulated or where a race, event or match has been rigged. Evidence of the above may be based on the size, volume or pattern of bets placed across any or all of our betting channels. If there is any dispute over the interpretation of these rules, the Company's interpretation shall prevail.
    15. The Company reserves the right to void and cancel all bets that are involved with illegal betting activities.
    16. The Company reserves the right to refuse customers to enter the games or kick customers from the games.
    17. The software is provided ‘as is’ without any warranties, conditions, undertakings or representations, express or implied, statutory or otherwise on the part of the Company. The Company does not warrant the merchantability, quality, fitness for a particular purpose, that the software will meet the customer’s requirements and that the software is non-infringing.
    18. While the Company undertakes that it will act with reasonable care, the Company makes no warranties that the software will be error free or uninterrupted or that any defects in the software will be corrected or that the software or the servers are virus-free.
    19. The Company is not liable for all costs, expenses, losses or claims arising from or resulting from communications or system error in connection with the settlement of accounts. The Company reserves the right to take any appropriate action to correct such errors including the removal of all relevant games from the software.
    20. In placing bets and using the software, the customer acknowledges that the Company has no control as to how the customer will use the software. Moreover, the customer places his bets and use the software in his own risk and the Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or special damage or loss of any kind.
    21. The customer is prohibited to disclose any confidential information belonging to the Company or the software provider which may be included in the software.
    22. In order to play the games and place bets, the customer is granted a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the software.
    23. The customer is prohibited to:
      1. Install or load the software onto a server of another device or take steps to make the software available online to any other person;
      2. Sub-license, assign, lease, loan, transfer, copy or distribute copies of the software;
      3. Decode, reverse engineer, disassemble, translate, decompile, modify, create derivative works based on the software, any part of it or any copy, adaptation transcription or merged portion of the software, convert the software or any part of it or make any attempt to discover the source code of the Software;
      4. Remove any copyright, proprietary or similar notices from the software provider; and
      5. Enter, access or attempt to enter or access or otherwise bypass the Company’s security system or interfere in any way with the software, games and the website.
    24. The use of the software does not give the customer ownership of any intellectual property rights in the software.
    25. These general rules shall only apply in the absence of any particular rule applicable for a specific game or product.
  2. Abandonments and Postponements
    1. If an Event does not begin on the scheduled start date and is not completed within the originally scheduled completion date prescribed in the specific sports rules, then all bets will be void, except for those on Markets that have been unconditionally determined.
    2. If an Event starts but is later abandoned, and is not completed within the originally scheduled completion date prescribed in the specific sports rules, then all bets will be void, except for those on Markets that have been unconditionally determined.
    3. If an Event is not completed within the originally scheduled completion time prescribed in the specific sports rules thus an official result is declared or a result is declared by the particular Event's relevant governing body, the Company reserves the right to consider the match officially valid. The Company's decision is final and binding in this regard.
  3. Change of Venue
    1. Unless otherwise stated, If a match is scheduled to be played on neutral ground but is played on non-neutral ground or vice versa, all bets will still be considered valid. In the event of a change of venue where home team plays away or vice versa, all bets on the match will be considered void. Bets will also be considered void if the home and away team names are wrongly stated in reverse.
    2. For all non-team Events, if the scheduled venue is changed after the Market has been opened, then all bets will still be considered valid.
  4. Periods of Time
    1. The posted duration of an Event is for reference purposes only. Bets will be valid despite the change in scheduled duration.
    2. Any incident during injury or stoppage time that is played, is deemed to have occurred at the end of regular time, e.g. a goal scored in first half injury time of a soccer match is deemed to have been scored on 45 minutes.
  5. Results
    1. Where relevant, podium positions will count as the official result, regardless of any subsequent disqualification or amendment to the results. If there is no podium ceremony, results will be determined in accordance with the official result of the relevant governing body at the time of the Market settlement, regardless of any subsequent disqualification or amendment to the results. If no official result is available then the result will be determined with reference to the available evidence known at the time of Market settlement.
    2. Markets are generally settled shortly after the conclusion of an Event. Purely as a customer service, some Markets may be settled before the official result is declared. The Company reserves the right to reverse settlement in the Event of a Market being settled in error.
    3. In the Event of uncertainty over any result then the Company reserves the right to suspend settlement of any Market.
    4. Except for non-existent matches, the Company will not void or refund settled bets due to any amendments or changes to the results, team names, or any other match details made 72 hours after the Event start time or for bets that have already been settled.
    5. Where there is a conflict between the official results and the results posted on the results section of the Company's Website, the conflict shall be resolved by reference to the Company's video recording of the particular Event to determine the correct result. However, if no such video recording is available, then the correct result shall be determined in accordance with the result of the particular Event's relevant governing body as published in its official website. If the official website is unable to provide the result or official website's posted result is manifestly wrong, then the Company reserves the right to make decisions/ amendments to determine the final result. The Company's decision is final and binding in this regard.
    6. The winner of an Event is determined at the conclusion of the Event for purposes of determining the winning bets regardless of the subsequent reversal of decisions or the result of any protest or appeal.
    7. Company has the right to Refund/ Suspend bet ticket. If there is no results posted within 24 hours from kick-off time on official site (mSports).
  6. Auto Timer Acceptance
    1. For certain events as may be determined by the Company, a customer may place a bet using Timer Acceptance feature by selecting the "Timer Accept" button on the menu. Each bet placed using timer acceptance will have its own countdown timer, the duration of which will be at the sole and exclusive determination of the Company. At the end of the timer, without any of the disruptions mentioned in Section 1.6.2 below happening, the bet will be accepted.
    2. If any of the disruptions mentioned in this Section happen before the countdown timer ends, all bets placed using Timer Acceptance are immediately void;
      1. If there appears to be a possible red card or a red card is actually given;
      2. If there is a possible penalty or a penalty is given;
      3. If there appears to be a possible goal or a goal is scored by any team;
      4. Fortuitous events including, but not limited to, failure in any equipment or telecommunication that prevents the correct placing, accepting, recording or notification of bets, delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, communication lines failure.
    3. In using the Timer Acceptance feature, the customer acknowledges that the current score, time elapsed and other data provided on this site, while coming from a "live" feed provided by a third party is subject to a time delay and/or may be inaccurate, and that any bet placed based on this data is entirely at the customer's own risk. The Company provides this data and accepts no responsibility for any loss ( direct or indirect) suffered by the customer as a result of his reliance on it.
  7. Mix Parlay
    1. Any Member or group of Members acting together, in concert, or as an organized group/syndicate and who have bet on the same combination of selections, including where placed in a series of bets, at a range of prices, over a number of days using different accounts.
    2. If the Company finds any reason to believe that a number of bets have been placed in the manner indicated in the immediately preceding paragraph, the total payout of all those bets combined will be limited to one single payout.
  8. Definitions of Bet Tickets Status
    1. The definitions of the status of Bet Tickets are as follows:
      • Waiting/Processing: Bets placed on Live Products will be considered under "Waiting"/"Processing" status pending acceptance or rejection.
      • Reject/Unsuccessful: Bets placed on Live Products under "Waiting"/"Processing" status that are not accepted due to the factors as set out in the betting rules for a specific event will be considered under "Reject"/"Unsuccessful" Status. Stakes of bets under "Reject"/"Unsuccessful" status will be returned.
      • Running: Bets placed on pre-match and in-play match that are accepted will be under "Running" status.
      • Void: Bets placed which were erroneously accepted due to factors as set out in the betting rules for a specific event will be considered under "Void" Status. Running bets may be voided on pre-match, in-play match and even after a match is ended. Stakes of bets under "Void" status will be returned.
      • Refund: Accepted bets will be considered under "Refund" status if the match or matches are cancelled, postponed, interrupted or delayed. Stakes of bets under "Refund" status will be returned.
      • Abnormal Bet: An Accepted bet which is considered as "Abnormal Bet" will be voided. The Company reserves the right to determine what bets are "Abnormal Bet". Abnormal Bet shall be considered as void regardless of the outcome on pre-match, in-play match and even after a match is ended.